Family Owned and Operated Since 1915
The William Morris Hort Graphic Arts Center
Green Printing
Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In ecology the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems.
For people, sustainability is the potential for long-term well-being.
To sustain is to endure the test of time.
Today, as we all know sustainability has environmental, economic, and social implications.
Enterprise Press is a fourth generation printing and graphic communications company. Our hope is to pass along a better company and a better planet to the next generation.
In 2015 Enterprise celebrated its100th birthday.
That represents sustainability that you can count on,
job after job and year after year.
All of our inks are vegetable based
Our entire plant is alcohol free
We offer a full range of recyclable paper
We offer our clients a full range of soy-based inks
We recycle all of our paper
We recycle all of our technology
Working together to sustain a better earth